Tuesday 15 September 2015

Holidays.. What to eat??

We're in holidays.. What are we going to eat? Are we going to do lots of restrictions?? Well, the answer to this question depends from each one...

We use to say that on holidays you can eat whatever you wish because you can come back to the diet when you're back to the routine... But there are still some tricks you can do to minimize the 'damages' of this time:

  • eat carbohydrates until 18:00
  • Do not eat carbohydrates in every meal
  • Eat a good and healthy breakfast
  • Eat snacks as you use to 
  • Make some exercise (running, walking, football, tennis...)
  • ...
You need to find a way to spend more energy if you're consuming more calories, that's the important thing.. 
We'll show you some pictures of our meals during this holidays...

Eat healthy, be happy!!

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