Monday 31 August 2015

Oregano and Lemon Clouds

What to eat for your snack?
Well, here is a different snack that you can bake and eat when you desire.. It's rich in protein and there's no restriction for the time of the day that you can eat it.
We've baked three different recipes that we'll share with you, soon..

What will you need?
  • 4 white eggs
  • Oregano
  • Black pepper
  • Lemon zest
How will you bake it?

  1. Preheat the oven to 180º C
  2. Beat the egg whites until stiff
  3. Add the oregano, black pepper and lemon zest continue beating.
  4. When it's stiff,  grease a baking tray with a bit of olive oil and place the mixture into the tray.
  5. Put the tray into the oven and wait 20 minutes.

You can eat it with ham or cheese.. it's really good!
Eat Healthy, Be Happy!

Jelly Cake

Here we share a recipe that we've found of jelly cake! Very quick, easy and delicious snack or dessert!!

What will you need?

  • 7 eggs
  • 10 tbsp of dried skimmed milk
  • 2 sachet of SUGAR FREE Jelly, the flavor you want.
  • 1 tsp of baking powder.
How will you bake it?
  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180ºC.
  2. Mix all the ingredients and beat them.
  3. Grease a baking tray with a bit of olive oil and put the mixture into the tray.
  4. Place the tray into the oven for 25/30 minutes or until it's cooked.
Note: You can bake the cake with half of the ingredients which is very good as well, but will stay with pancake aspect. When you bake this recipe the cake can last for some days, as one slice's got a good quantity of milk.

It's a very good recipe for snacks and to take it with you for your breaks when working!

Eat Healthy, Be Happy!!

Courgette Tagliatelle with chicken fillet

We love pasta, yes we do!! But as you know we can't eat pasta everyday, as we wouldn't mind, only on the cheat day right??
Well, we've found a way to deceive our brain and eat tagliatelle, made of courgette! Yes, courgette!! And we can tell you, it was a very good idea because it was delicious!!

What will you need?

  • 3 medium courgettes
  • Orange pepper
  • 1 garlic clove
  • olive oil
  • black pepper
  • salt
  • soy sauce
  • 4 chicken fillet
How will you bake it?
  1. Cut the orange pepper and the garlic clove in small pieces.
  2. With a Julienne cutter cut the courgettes, as you were peeling a carrot.
  3. When all the vegetables are cut, put some olive oil and the garlic clove in a pan and let it heat for 1 minute.
  4. Add the orange pepper into the pan and let it fry for 3 minutes.
  5. Add the courgette, mix everything and let it cook.
  6. Add the black pepper, salt and soy sauce as you like, mix and wait until it's cook.
  7. In an anti-adherent pan grill the chicken fillets mild with salt and black pepper.

It's delicious, believe us!!  Try it, and tell us what you think!


  • 3 courgetes médias
  • 1 pimento laranja
  • 1 dente de alho
  • azeite
  • pimenta preta
  • sal
  • molho de soja
  • 4 bifes de frango
Como cozinhar?
  1. Picar o dente de alho e o pimento.
  2. Com um descascador, cortar a courgete como se fosse tagliatelle.
  3. Colocar o azeite e odente de alho numa frigideira anti-aderente e deixar aquecer por 1 minuto.
  4. Juntar o pimento e deixar por 3 minutos.
  5. Adicionar a courgete e mexer.
  6. Adicionar o sal, a pimenta e o molho de soja como desejar, mexer e deixar até estar cozinhado.
  7. Noutra frigideira anti-aderente coloque os bifes temperados com sal e pimenta.
É delicioso!!

Eat Healthy,Be Happy!!

Sunday 30 August 2015

Why to eat OAT?

Hello everyone!
We hope you have been finding useful the information we've been giving you. Today we thought that we could tell you a little bit more about Oats and why we have them so present in our breakfasts.

Oats are considered a great ingredient because they are functionally and nutritionally rich contributing to:

  • prevent cardiovascular diseases p.e. high cholesterol (LDL) and atherosclerosis.
  • prevent and management of cancer

Because they are high in fiber

  • helps to keep a regular bowels motion
  • avoids the accumulation of fat
  • protects the immunitary system (due to beta glucan fibre) reducing the risk of inflamations

Because they are rich in antioxidants

  • Retards aging

They are also rich in vitamins (specially E and B), minerals and proteins.
They have low IG carbohydrates so they are AN IDEAL BREAKFAST on a super protein diet.

You can buy and eat oat in 3 different ways:

  • Oat flakes - you'll eat the whole grain and you'll benefit all the nutrients (first picture).
  • Oat bran - you'll eat the outside of the grain, which is the one that has got the major quantity of fiber and will make you fill satiated. This can help your bowel motion. (second picture)
  • Oat flour - you'll eat the inside of the grain.(third picture)

Note: You'll need to drink 1,5l to 2l of water per day to keep or improve your bowel motion, otherwise the oat can origin the opposite effect.

We challenge you to try the different ways of oats and to choose the one you think it's better for you and then enjoy the recipes and the advantages of the OATS!!

Eat Healthy, Be Happy!!!

Friday 28 August 2015

Blueberries Oat bran Bread

Today we decided to bake one more bread for breakfast, but a different one as we like to change and make experiences with food..
So, today is the day of blueberries bread!  It's a good one!! 

What will you need?
  • 1 Egg
  • 2 White eggs
  • 3 tbsp of oat bran
  • Some blueberries 
  • Grated coco
How will you bake it?
  1. Start to smash the blueberries and reserve.
  2. Mix the egg with the egg whites.
  3. Add the oat bran and mix.
  4. Add the blueberries and mix.
  5. Place it into the microwave for 4 mins.
  6. You can finish with grated coco on top of the bread. 

It's delicious!! Tell us what you think and your experiences! 
Eat healthy , Be happy!!

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Soup dinner today!

Tonight the dinner will be one of those on stage 2 with soup and jelly! Everyone knows how to do a soup, but... Do you know how to do it properly? Do you cook it without carbohydrates? Does the soup have consistency? Is it tasty?
Well, we were afraid of the dinners composed only with soup an jelly when you've started, because we would be hungry soon or the soup wasn't tasty enough or consistent enough...
We've done some research and discovered some tricks that helped us to improve our soups without carbohydrates (carrots, potatoes...).
Using herbs and spices (cumin, parsley, coriander, curry, saffron, oregano...) is our favorite trick as we like to try different tastes and do some experiences in the kitchen. Now we'll show you one of our experiences that worked very well because the soup it's delicious and we won't be hungry after eat it!!

 What will you need?

  • 1 Onion
  • 2 Courgettes (medium)
  • 2 Leeks (medium)
  • 1 Turnip (medium)
  • Cumin
  • Parsley
  • Salt

How will you bake it?
  1. Star to peel off the onion and the turnip.
  2. Cut all the vegetables in small pieces.
  3. Put a trickle of olive oil in a pan and add the onion. Let stir for few seconds.
  4. Add the rest of the vegetables and let it stir for 1 minute and mix it.
  5. Add the water until it top all the vegetables, add salt and let it boil.
  6. Mash the vegetables when you see that the vegetables are cooked.
  7. Add the herbs and taste it.
It's ready! Enjoy it!! 
This soup was cooked on a 5L pan and will last for 10 dinners +-..

Eat Healthy, Be Happy!!

Monday 24 August 2015

Drink water or homemade infused water!

It is important to drink, at least, between 1.5l and 2l of water per day to keep you hydrated and to allow you body to work the better way to deliver the nutrients you need throughout the organism and eliminate the toxins accumulated. This must be a very important part of your diet, keep hydrated!

Yes, yes, it's easy for you to talk (you're thinking)...

Well, at the beginning it was difficult for us to drink water too, because of our job or we used to forget about the importance of drinking water or we didn't enjoy to drink it or we we're lazy to take a bottle with us every time we went out... lots of excuses!!

Drinking water doesn't mean the bottles with flavored water which has a big quantity of sugars or juices or refrigerants or wine... It mean's bottled spring water or tap water.

Don't you like the flavor of water?? Don't worry, we'll show some different ways for you to prepare water, giving it flavor with natural ingredients that will keep you hydrated, help you with the diet and give you nutrients and minerals that your body needs.

There's different ways to make infused water and we'll post different recipes soon...

Today we decided to share the recipe that we most use.... Ginger, Lemon and Cucumber Water! This one gives us Vit. C, increases satiety, hydrates, protects our skin integrity, is diuretic and antioxidant.

What will you need?

  • 1/2 Cucumber
  • 1 Lemon
  • 3/4 cm of ginger
  • 1,5 L of Water

How will you prepare it?
  1. Put the water in a jug.
  2. Add the juice of one lemon to the water and cut some lemon wedges to put in the water as well.
  3. Cut the cucumber in thin slices or different way and add it to the water.
  4. Add the ginger, sliced.
  5. Place the jug in the fridge and leave it to rest during the night.
Drink the water during the next day.

Eat Healthy, Be Happy!

Snack Time

It's mid afternoon and do you feel hungry?? What are you going to eat? What can you eat?
Well one thong that you can try is natural greek yogurt with jelly, very easy, quick and delicious!

What will you need?

  • 3 tbsp of natural greek yogurt
  • 1 portion of jelly (sugar free)
  • cinnamon (if you like it)
How will you make it?
  1. Put the jelly into a recipient and split in small pieces.
  2. Add the yogurt and the cinnamon. 

Note: You can add some seeds and/or some fruit (from the allowed list) if you like. It will increase the flavor and the satiety.

Eat Healthy Be Happy!!

Apple and Oat Bran Bread

Here is one more recipe of a Homemade bread. This one's got apple and tastes delicious!!

What will you need?
  • 1 Egg
  • 2 White eggs
  • 3 tbsp of oat bran
  • 1 Apple
  • Cinnamon

How will you bake it?
  1. Start to cut half of the apple in little parts ant place it in the microwave for 3 mins.
  2. Mix the egg with the egg whites.
  3. Add the oat bran and mix.
  4. Add the cinnamon and the small pieces of apple and mix.
  5. Place it into the microwave for 3 mins.
  6. Cut the other half of the apple in quarters.
  7. You can finish with cinnamon on top of the bread and the apple.

Eat healthy, Be happy!!

Sunday 23 August 2015

Blueberry Pancakes

We've been discovering bread and pancakes recipes for breakfast, and snack if you're on stage 3 and 4, that we can bake quickly and which are delicious!!
In this post we will give you a recipe of blueberry pancakes, similar to the recipe of strawberry pancakes that we've posted before, but even more delicious!

What will you need?

  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Egg white
  • 1+1/2 tbsp of oat bran
  • 2 tbsp of cocco flour
  • 2 tbsp of blueberries

How will you bake?
  1. Mix the egg and the white eggs
  2. Add the oat bran, the cocco flour and mix.
  3. Mash the blueberries very well, add it to the mixture and mix.
  4. Place the mixture, in two portions, in a pan and let it cook for 2/3 mins. then turn the pancake and let it cook for more 1/2 mins.
  5. When the pancakes are ready you can add some grated cocco on top.

Try it and tell us what you think about the recipe!

Eat Healthy, Be Happy!!

Saturday 22 August 2015

Coffee delice recipe

Yey today is the cheat day!! And we decided to share a recipe of a dessert that we've baked for a lunch we've had with some friends!
It's not a very healthy recipe, but we've tried to cut on sugars and adapt the ingredients, but it's the cheat day!

What will you need?

  • 1 Tin of light condensed milk
  • 5 Eggs
  • One measure of condensed milk with milk (we used soya milk)
  • 3 tbsp of sugar
  • Coffee
  • 2 dl of fresh cream
  • Digestive biscuits
  • Cocoa powder
How will you bake it?
  1. Separate the egg whites from the yolks placing them into different recipients.
  2. Add the condensed milk to the yolks and mix it very well.
  3. Add the measure of milk to the mixture and mix it again.
  4. Place the mixture into a pan and heat it until it starts boiling. When it starts to boil turn off the stove and place the mixture into a baking tray.
  5. Whisk the egg whites and then add 1,5 tbsp of sugar and continue whisking until stiff, reserve.
  6. Whisk the fresh cream, add the rest of the sugar and continue whisking until whipped cream.
  7. Mix the whisk egg whites into the cream, very well.
  8. In the meantime make some warm black coffee, dip the biscuits (one by one) into it for 1 or 2 seconds and place them on top of the mixture that is in the baking tray.
  9. Then, put the mix of the white eggs and the cream on top of the biscuits.
  10. Finish with cocoa powder and crushed biscuits on top of the cream.
  11. Place it into the fridge to stay fresh.

Well it's a delicious dessert, but can't be eaten every day... Enjoy the cheat day, but don't abuse otherwise the scales won't be in you favor..

Eat healthy, Be happy!!



We've been showing you recipes of breakfast, lunch and dinner, but what bout the meaning time?
Well, here comes a theme we're always trying to improve and differ, because we like food and we don't like to eat always the same... With this diet you can eat whenever you're hungry, but what to eat for snacks??
Well, let's see.. You can eat:

  • ham
  • raw carrot
  • cucumber
  • yogurt
  • jelly (SUGAR FREE!!)
  • omelette 
  • scrambled eggs
  • yogurt with jelly
  • sausages
  • cheese
  • food waste from lunch or dinner
  • cooked vegetables
  • smoked salmon
  • sea fruits

We will show some pictures of our snacks and give you some information about it as the time goes.

Eat healthy, Be happy!

Friday 21 August 2015

Oat bran Pancakes!

If you're on the stage 1 and would like to make some pancakes, this is the post you're looking for!

What will you need?
  • 1 Egg
  • 2 White eggs
  • 3 tbsp of Oat bran
  • Cinnamon 
How will you bake it?
  1. Mix the egg and the white eggs
  2. Add the oat bran and the cinnamon and mix it.
  3. Place the mixture in a pan and let it cook for 2/3 mins. then turn the pancake and let it cook for more 1/2 mins. 
  4. When the pancakes are ready to eat you can add honey, cinnamon, ham...

Try it and you see how it is great and you won't be hungry!

Eat healthy, be happy!  

Strawberry Pancakes

Don't you know what to eat for breakfast? Here is one quick, funny and delicious recipe!

What will you need?

  • 1 Egg
  • 2 White eggs
  • 1 tbsp of Oat bran
  • 2 tbsp of Coco flour
  • 5 Strawberries 
  • 1 tsp of baking powder
How will you bake it?
  1. Mix the egg and the white eggs
  2. Add the oat bran, the coco flour and the baking powder and mix.
  3. Mash the strawberries, add it and mix everything.
  4. Place the mixture, in two portions,  in a pan and let it cook for 2/3 mins. then turn the pancake and let it cook for more 1/2 mins. 
  5. When the pancakes are ready to eat you can add grated coco above it.

It's a delicious recipe, we're telling you!!

As this recipe includes fruit, you can only eat it when you've started the stage 2.
But if you're still on stage 1 don't worry because we'll post another recipe os pancakes that you can eat, soon... 

Eat healthy, be happy!!

Cauliflower with Mushrooms and Grilled Courgette

The recipe we're going to explain can be separated in two different recipes, but we've chosen to put it together, as they are delicious!

Cauliflower with Mushrooms

What will you need?

  • One cauliflower
  • 200g Mushrooms
  • Prawns
  • 2 Tomatoes
  • Olive oil
  • 1/2 Onion
  • 3 or 4 Basil leafs
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Nutmeg
How will you bake it? 
  1. Start to boil the cauliflower with salt and nutmeg.
  2. Once cooked, mash the cauliflower as you would do with mashed potatoes.
  3. In other pan put olive oil and onion and let it stay a while 
  4. Add chopped tomatoes and let it cook for 3 mins.
  5. Add the prawns, mushrooms, salt and the black pepper. 
  6. Just before it is cooked add some basil leafs if you wish.

Grilled courgette

Sometimes you get bored of boiled vegetables, so we suggest you to try this recipe:

What will you need?

  • 1 courgette
  • Olive oil
  • Basmatic vinegar
  • Coriander
  • Parsley
  • Oregano
  • Salt
How will you bake it? 
  1. Preheat the oven with 180ºC
  2. Cut the courgette in thin slices 
  3. Season the slices with olive oil, basmatic vinegar, coriander, parsley, oregano and salt
  4. Place it in the oven until its cooked (aprox. 10 mins)

This is an easy, quick and tasty meal. Hope you enjoy it!

Tell us your opinion! 

Eat healthy, be happy!

Thursday 20 August 2015

Tuna base Pizza

Do you want one more recipe for all members of the family? 
Well, here is one more delicious recipe which we're sure that kids will like to eat and help baking it!

What will you need?

  • Pizza base
    1. 4 Eggs
    2. 4 Cans of Tuna (in water/brine or olive oil)
  • Top
    1. Low fat cheese
    2. Sea fruits
    3. Smoked salmon
    4. Pepper
    5. Mushrooms
    6. Smooth Passata
How will you bake it? 
    1. Pizza base
    2. Preheat the oven at 180ºC 
    3. On a bowl, mix the tuna and the eggs until it becomes like a paste.
    4. Put some baking paper on a baking tray and brush with a small amount olive oil.
    5. Place the paste on the tray and put it in the oven for 20 min. or until golden aspect.
  • Top
    1. Brush the base with the smooth passata.
    2. Add the ingredients on the top as you like most.
    3. Finalize with cheese and place it in the oven for more 10/20 min.
    4. Remove it from the oven and enjoy it!!
Note: You can add the ingredients you like more, it doesn't need to be with the same ingredients we've put on that pizza. Discover the ingredients and enjoy your pizza!

We're sure kids will like to eat and help baking it!

Eat healthy, be happy!! 

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Cauliflower Purée with mince

Now we will give a recipe of a dish that we used to bake with potatoes, but as we can't use it on our diet, we found a recipe  that will give us the same texture but much healthier and tastiest!!
And it's a recipe for all the family, as it gives more than one portion.

What will you need?

  • 1 medium cauliflower 
  • 500mg Broccoli
  • 500mg of beef/chicken/Turkey mince (The lowest fat possible) 
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 onion
  • Low fat grated cheese
  • Red Pepper
  • Black pepper and nutmeg
  • Salt
  • 2 Eggs 
  • Olive oil

How will you bake it?

  • Baking the puree 
  1. Boil the cauliflower and broccoli with salt until it's cooked and remove the water very well.
  2. Smash the vegetables. 
  3. Add black pepper and the nutmeg to the puree and mix it.
  • Baking the mince
  1. Start to stew a drizzle of olive oil, onion, garlic and red pepper chopped.
  2. Add mushrooms and leave it to stew.
  3. Add the mince and season it with pepper and salt.
Put half of the puree on a baking tray, then add the mince above it and add the last half of the puree, all in layers. 
Beat 2 eggs and spread it on top of the puree. 
Finalize with a sprinkle of cheese.
Put the tray in the oven until it gets a golden color.

Enjoy it!

Eat Healthy, be happy!

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Tuna and Sea Fruits Salad

Are you feeling lazy and don't you want to go to the kitchen and stay their cooking for too long? Or, are you just out of time to cook complicated food?
Well, we can help you with a recipe of a salad which is very good and easy to bake!

What will you need?

  • Spinach
  • 1 Tomato
  • 1/2 Pepper
  • 1/4 Cucumber
  • 1 Can of tuna
  • 3 Sea fruits 
  • 1 Egg
How will you cook it?
  1. Let the egg to boil in water few minutes and in the last 2 minutes add the sea fruits.
  2. Wash the spinach and dispose it on your plate as a base.
  3. Cut the tomato, the cucumber and the pepper and place above the spinach.
  4. Add the tuna, the sea fruit and the egg.
It's a very complete, good and colorful salad!

Try it and tell us what you think!

O que vai precisar?

  • Espinafres
  • 1 Tomate
  • 1/2 Pimento
  • 1/4 Pepino
  • 1 Lata de atum
  • 3 Delícias do mar 
  • 1 ovo
Como vai cozinhar?

  1. Ferva o ovo em água e nos ultimos 2 minutos adicione as delícias do mar.
  2. Lave os espinafres e colocar no prato como base.
  3. Corte o tomate, o pepino e o pimento e disponha-os por cima dos espinafres.
  4. Adicione o atum, as delícias do mar e o ovo.
É uma salada bastante completa, colorida e deliciosa!
Prove e diga-nos o que pensa da receita!

Eat healthy, be happy!!


A very good breakfast is the Porridge!

What will you need?
  • 3 tbsp (30gr) of oats or oatbran 
  •  200ml of milk 
  •  cinnamon 
  •  lemon zest

How will you cook it?

  1.  With a pan, heat  the milk with the cinnamon and the lemon zest until the starts to boil.
  2. Add the oats and stir it for few minutes until it get the texture you desire.
  3. Leave it for the next morning or eat it.
  4. You can add chia or leeds seeds if you desire (1 tsp)
  5. You can add some fruit, when you'll be on stage 2


As papas de aveia são um excelente pequeno almoço!

O que vai precisar?
  • 3 colheres de sopa de flocos ou farelo de aveia (30gr) 
  •  200ml de leite
  •  canela q.b.
  •  raspa de limão (opcional)

Como pode cozinhar?

  1.  Numa panela, coloque o leite, a canela e a raspa de limão a aquecer até o leite começar a levantar fervura.
  2. Adicionar a aveia e mexer até que obtenha a textura que mais gostar.
  3. Pode deixar para a manhã seguinte ou comer no momento.
  4. Pode ainda adicionar uma colher de chá de chia ou de linhaça.
  5. Se estiver na fase 2, pode adicionar alguma fruta.

Haddock loin baked in the oven with orange juice

This's one of our favorite recipes!  It's delicious, you'll see..

What will you need?

  • 2 haddock loins
  • 1 natural orange juice
  • 1 garlic cloves
  • 2 tsp of soy sauce
  • little of olive oil
  • oregano 
  • salt and pepper as you like
How will you cook it?
  1. Season the haddock loins with a little of olive oil, the garlic, salt and pepper . Place it in a tray and reserve.
  2. In a different recipient make the sauce with the natural orange juice e soy sauce.
  3. Put the sauce above the fish and then sprinkle the oregano above it.
  4. Place in the oven, preheated to 180ºC and leave it to cook for 25 minutes.
  5. Now and then water the fish with the sauce for it not to dry.
  6. Boil some vegetables or bake a salad as accompaniment.