Saturday 22 August 2015


We've been showing you recipes of breakfast, lunch and dinner, but what bout the meaning time?
Well, here comes a theme we're always trying to improve and differ, because we like food and we don't like to eat always the same... With this diet you can eat whenever you're hungry, but what to eat for snacks??
Well, let's see.. You can eat:

  • ham
  • raw carrot
  • cucumber
  • yogurt
  • jelly (SUGAR FREE!!)
  • omelette 
  • scrambled eggs
  • yogurt with jelly
  • sausages
  • cheese
  • food waste from lunch or dinner
  • cooked vegetables
  • smoked salmon
  • sea fruits

We will show some pictures of our snacks and give you some information about it as the time goes.

Eat healthy, Be happy!

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