Well, we can help you with a recipe of a salad which is very good and easy to bake!
What will you need?
- Spinach
- 1 Tomato
- 1/2 Pepper
- 1/4 Cucumber
- 1 Can of tuna
- 3 Sea fruits
- 1 Egg
How will you cook it?
- Let the egg to boil in water few minutes and in the last 2 minutes add the sea fruits.
- Wash the spinach and dispose it on your plate as a base.
- Cut the tomato, the cucumber and the pepper and place above the spinach.
- Add the tuna, the sea fruit and the egg.
It's a very complete, good and colorful salad!
Try it and tell us what you think!
- Espinafres
- 1 Tomate
- 1/2 Pimento
- 1/4 Pepino
- 1 Lata de atum
- 3 Delícias do mar
- 1 ovo
Como vai cozinhar?
- Ferva o ovo em água e nos ultimos 2 minutos adicione as delícias do mar.
- Lave os espinafres e colocar no prato como base.
- Corte o tomate, o pepino e o pimento e disponha-os por cima dos espinafres.
- Adicione o atum, as delícias do mar e o ovo.
É uma salada bastante completa, colorida e deliciosa!
Prove e diga-nos o que pensa da receita!
Eat healthy, be happy!!
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