Monday 17 August 2015

Starting the new lifestyle!

Are you ready to start the diet?

Have you enjoyed the food you like with loads of carbohydrates and sugars before start it? Well, well done!

Let’s prepare you and your house for the beginning of the big change in your life!

First of all, you need to remove all forbidden food from your house, so that won’t be a temptation, and full your kitchen with limited and unlimited ingredients.

Now you’ll need to do a correct evaluation of yourself. (You will love this part while the time goes because you’ll see the differences!)

You’ll need to answer this questions:

  • How much do you weight?

  • How much Kilograms should you be, according to your gender, your stature and your age?

  • What is your abdominal perimeter?

It’s fundamental to know where you can and where you should go in terms of body weight and from here to set your goals, and for this you need to evaluate yourself. So, we will need a scale, a measure tape and a camera.

The Scale

Start by weighing yourself, now calculate your BMI (Body Mass Indicator), for you to know how many kilos you should loose by:

BMI = weight (kg) / (Height (m) x Height (m))

Obesity grade 1
Obesity grade 2
Obesity grade 3

Measure Tape

Another important measure that you should be aware before starting your diet, it’s your abdominal perimeter.

            There are 4 that you should be aware of:
  • Chest;
  • Abdominal Perimeter (right below your chest on the thinnest part of your torso); 
  • Belly;
  • Hips.

It is important to evaluate all these measures that will modify during your diet, but without a doubt the abdominal perimeter one is the most important one because the accumulation of body fat in this area increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.


Actually the camera is dispensable, but you will like to see the differences between the “Before” and “After” the diet… Enjoy that difference!!

Now you'll... Eat healthy and be happy!!

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